Sunday, April 7, 2024

Tinashe's Africa Trip, Zimbabwe & Botswana, Apr 4 - 24, 2024 - 3 - Shashani Matobo Hills Lodge - 1st Safari

Sunday, April 7 -  Shashani Matobo Hills Lodge  - First Safari & afternoon hike

Up at 5:15am. 

1st Safari about 7am.  Didn’t see much.  Impala, a few Wildebeest. 

Back about 10am.  I stayed on deck & looked at scenery & birds.

Brunch at 11am. Lovely love beans, potatoes, yogurt, & they brought eggs after we’d finished everything else. Sat & chatted with Tinashe a bit afterwards.  I stayed around the lodge watching birds with Michele (Marlyn for a little while).  We spotted a couple of Black Eagles. Merlin called it the Verreaux Eagle.  The couple was being chased by the white necked ravens!  Tinashe told me later that it that was the Black Eagle that he was describing.

Then tea at 3:30.  Lovely walk with John & Tinashe at 4pm.  Tinashe & I chatted a lot.  He said that we were at this park because they gave him a big discount to stay here & the house boat.  The guy that built it had never gotten it off the ground after he built it in 2019!!! Marge didn't go with us, so we all waved at her when we saw her looking for us from on the hotel grounds.  Chatted with Danny a bit on the deck & he saw the baboons on the ridge!!!  Highlight of the day!!! 

Black fronted Bulbul

Great dinner!  Liver Pate for appetizer that was delicious.  Got a chat from George & he wanted to call.  Perfect call for about 5 minutes!  Good to hear his voice.  Then sat down for dinner.  Fun night of chatting with Colleen. 

Back to room to get organized for early day tomorrow.  Computer & FB & bed about 11pm!!!!  Up at 5am!

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