Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Tinashe's Africa Trip, Zimbabwe & Botswana, Apr 4 - 24, 2024 - 5 - Shashani Hills Lodge to Bomani Lodge, Tuesday, 9 Apr 2024

 Tuesday, April 9 -  Shashani Matobo Hills Lodge  to Bomani Lodge - 

Via Natural History Museum & Long Long Drive to Bomani Lodge in Hwange NP

Today we transferred from Motopa NP (Shashani lodge) to Bomani Lodge near Hwange NP. Still in Zimbabwe. It was very long day. We were supposed to leave by 7:45a, but again, our bus arrived a little late.

We first drove to Bulawayo to visit a huge Natural History museum. Best laid plans for a 45 minute tour of the history section, but our adorable young guide had other plans & we got a full tour of the animal section with full taxidermy specimens in beautiful dioramas (old - most completed in 1964) that took about an hour (Tinashe had told her to skip that since we were going to see the real thing), then to the bird exhibit, insect, display, & finally to the Zimbabwe historical section describing the 2 kings & their interactions from British occupation as Rhodesia to their independence. Then on to a really cool walk through mine, the fossils & even a rock collection. So 45 minutes turned to 2 hour 15 & now we were 3 hours late to complete the 6 hour drive to Hwange.

To make matters worse a storm had come through the day before & made the bad road a complete mess! Worse potholes we had ever seen! The last 3 hours was on dirt road in 4x4 safari jeeps (open) in the rain!!!!! But we made it in one piece & had a fabulous steak dinner waiting for us!!!!

We were supposed to have been staying at Camethorne.  A 5 star resort, but the storm had knocked the power out there & none of our rooms had power & it couldn't be fixed for several days.  They luckily they had cabins available at Bomani Lodge.  It was only a 3 star, but the cabins were up on stilts & on the water & actually quite nice.  And they had power!  Tanashi had split up Marge & I into individual cabins because they only had 1 bed.  Worked out okay.  We were on either side of the main lodge & in the closet cabin to it.  The food was excellent and the staff were very friendly.  We were all exhausted & went straight to bed after eating.  

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